A New life and she’s all ours!

>> dinsdag 28 december 2010

Jaja... inmiddels zitten we al op dag 7. Op 19 December om 7:34 is ons kleine prinsesje geboren en we zitten ergens hoog boven op die roze wolk. Bij de geboorte woog ze 2610 gram en was ze 48 cm... Een kleine mopje, maar ze doet het ooooh zo goed!

Bij deze wil ik jullie graag voorstellen aan onze Lina...

De bevalling was pittig (maar eerlijk, welke is dat niet). Zaterdagochtend was ik de slijmprop verloren en de hele dag door had ik wat lichte weeen, maar niet zo heftig om ze te gaan timen. vanaf 17:00 kwamen ze regelmatig, om de 4-5 minuten, waarna om 20:30 de verloskundige voor de eerste keer kwam kijken. Had 2-3 cm ontsluiting en ik kon of naar het ziekenhuis (waar ik vooraf al had besloten om te gaan bevallen) voor pijnstilling, maar het opvangen van de ween ging super goed (mede dankzij de bevallingsyoga bij Annet Koenders!!) dat ik het nog even vol wilde houden. Rond 21:45 is mijn nicht Jody ook gekomen (zij is ook verloskundige) om mij te ondersteunen. Om 22:30 kwam de verloskundige voor de 2e keer en had helaas nog steeds maar 3-4 cm ontsluiting en de weeen werden wel alsmaar heftiger, waarna hij (ja, Aucke is een topper!) besloot om mijn vliezen te breken en te kijken of dat effect had...

Wat bleek... mevrouwtje had in het vruchtwater gepoept en dus moesten we naar het ziekenhuis voor een klinische bevalling (waar Aucke niet meer aanwezig bij zou zijn). Op naar het St. Antonius in de hevige sneeuwval... dat was me het ritje wel en vond het super lastig om de weeen op te vangen in de auto. Eenmaal daar werden we naar een verlossuite begeleid. Ik zal het nu vast zeggen.... eens bevallen in het Antonius, maar echt noooooit meer! Het duurde 40 min. voordat er uberhaupt iemand kwam kijken en ik was echt gesloopt... de weeen kwamen aan een stuk door en het werd steeds moeilijker om ze op te vangen. Maar wilde niet opgeven en eraan toe geven dat het te zwaar werd, want was er al zo lang mee bezig... Maar toch besloten voor de ruggeprik te gaan, wat ik eigenlijk niet wilde, maar ik was op! Wat een verlichting en kon even wat rusten...Inmiddels waren mijn moeder en mijn schoonzusje Kiki ook gearriveerd...

Het was een lange nacht en de ontsluiting schoot ook niet echt op...Het enige wat we konden doen was afwachten. Om 6.45 zat de ontsluiting op 9 cm en het einde was in zicht... vanaf dit moment kwam ook licht de persdrang opzetten. Inmiddels was de ruggeprik op en was er helemaal klaar voor om dit laatste stuk op eigen kracht te doen. De persdrang werd heftiger waarna de arts zei dat ik licht mee mocht persen. De echt persween begonnen om 7.28 en kon ze niet meer opvangen....

Nu mocht ik volledig mee gaan persen en met 6 minuten, 3 heftige persweeen was Lina daar. Ze had de navelstreng 2x om haar nekje en ze zag erg blauw. Dit was snel verholpen en werd al gauw bij mij op m’n buik gelegd... Wat een moment! Er ging zoooo veel door me heen en toch ook weer niet. Wat een apart gevoel...we zijn ouders! Zoals je je kan voorstellen was het een erg emotioneel moment en vervolgens mocht papa de navelstreng doorknippen!

Een aantal uren later, nadat Lina was aangekleed en ik gedoucht had werden we naar een kraamsuite verhuisd. Helaas moesten we een nachtje blijven aangezien Lina in het vruchtwater had gepoept en wat aan de kleine kant was, moesten ze haar glucose gehalte om de aantal uur checken. Hier konden we even van elkaar genieten en proberen wat te rusten...

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Na de middag kregen we wat visite... Trotse opa, oma (had haar natuurlijk al gezien) & overgrootoma kwamen ons meisje bewonderen! Later kwamen ook (mijn) tante Wilma, Oom peter en neefje Robin... Vooral Wilma kon niet wachten! :) Nadat we wat avond eten hadden gehad kwam ook Kiki nog even kijken en natuurlijk met Ome Melvin... Nou die was ook onder de indruk en kon zag hem al helemaal voor me... spelend met z’n eerste nichtje! Ook een collegaatje van mij was even om het hoekje komen kijken. Haar kleine meid Sacha is veel te vroeg geboren en lag op dezelfde verdieping daar... Zij mag eindelijk na maanden heen en weer reizen naar het ziekenhuis naar huis deze week. Ben echt zooo blij voor hun, dat ze het nieuwe jaar in mogen luiden met hun kleine spruit lekker bij thuis! S’avonds kwamen ook Ap zijn zussen nog even kijken... en hoe kan het ook anders ze waren helemaal weg van haar! :)

Na een nogal onrustige nacht... aangezien mevrouw alleen kon huilen en wilde zuigen, konden we de ochtend gelukkig nog een paar uurtjes slapen. Rond 9.30 kwam de kinderarts voor de laatste controles en die vertelde dat we naar huis mochten... Rond 10.45 hadden we alles ingepakt en zat ook Lina lekker warm in haar maxicosi en is papa de auto gaan halen. In de rolstoel met Lina op mijn schoot verlieten we het ziekenhuis... Op naar huis...

Waar we een versierd huis aantroffen....
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En dan thuis komen in ons nieuwe huis, met onze nieuwe aanwinst...Ons nieuwe leven met z’n drietjes riep bij mij (zoals verwacht) weer wat tranen op. Dit is het ultieme gevoel van geluk!!!!
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Het mooiste kado wat je je maar kan wensen!!!! –Dag 2

Een kwartier nadat we thuis waren kwam ook de kraamhulp, Pauline. Dit was voor mij erg wennen... Iemand die je helpt met alles, terwijl je denkt dat je ales zelf kan (hihi). Maar gelukkig wende ik er snel aan en was blij dat ze er was! Pauline, nogmaals bedankt voor alle hulp en zorgen voor onze kleine meid!!

Inmiddels zitten we nu alweer op dag 10, de tijd vliegt echt voorbij!

De eerste week ging allemaal prima... de nachten wat onrustig, aangezien madam nog veel zuigbehoefte heeft na het drinken en alleen mama’s vinger de rust brengt.

Maar dit gaat steeds beter en inmiddels slaapt ze s’nachts ook wat beter en krijgen wij ook onze rust.

Heb de eerste week borstvoeding gegeven, maar helaas liep dit niet zoals gehoopt en de pijn was zo erg, dat het gewoon niet meer ging. 1e kerstdag heeft Lina in de ochtend voor de laatste keer borstvoeding gekregen... Ik heb het hier heel erg moeilijk mee gehad en kon deze ochtend dan ook niks anders als alleen maar huilen. Nu een paar dagen verder heb ik me er aan overgegeven en heb ook geen last meer van stuwing e.d. Een stevige, strakke BH dragen doet wonderen (althans voor mij!)

Hier nog wat hoogtepunten en foto’s van de eerste week... Oh ja, heb nog steeds niet eens een echt fotoshoot gehad met m’n meiske. Dit omdat ze haar temperatuur niet heel goed vasthield de eerste dagen en omdat het best druk is en wennen is de eerste week. Dit terwijl ik altijd het liefst de eerste dagen foto’s maak van zo’n kleintje. Wie weet...hopelijk vinden we morgen een gaatje om even wat plaatjes te schieten! :)

- Dag 2, 1e keer in bad... Lina genoot overduidelijk van dit moment! Helemaal ontspannen! En pappa die zijn meisje voor de 1e keer verschoond...hij had gelijk prijs, met een flinke poepluier!
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- Dag 4,  ik heb Lina voor het eerst zelf in bad gedaan. Toen we net klaar waren met badderen kwamen Lista (collega) en haar dochter Anouk even op visite... Die vond het wel erg leuk allemaal!

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- Dag 5, rond 17.30 ging papa Lina verschonen voor de fles en wat vonden we in haar luier... het navelstompje was eraf gevallen en zag er netjes uit allemaal!

- Dag 7, (1e kerstdag) Vanochtend is Lina voor het eerst met papa onder de douche geweest. Ze was erg relaxed and leek het allemaal prima te vinden! Een extra mijpaal vandaag... Lina zit boven haar geboortegewicht en weegt voor het douchen 2650 gram!!! (40 gram boven haar GB gewicht)

S’middags hebben we kerst gevierd met opa & oma prijs, ome melvin & tante Kiki... We zijn allemaal erg verwend!! Lina heeft van opa & oma een lief gouden armbandje gekregen met daarin haar naam & geboortedatum gegraveerd. Voor oma wilde ik iets speciaals, aangezien dit haar eerste kleinkind is. Maar vond al die simpele bedeltjes maar wat simpel...voordat Lina’s geboorte had ik het er met mijn tante over en die herinnerde me eraan dat de juwelier in de bilt zelf bedeltjes maakt naar bijv. een foto. Zo heb ik na telefonisch contact een foto gemaild en heeft deze man speciaal voor ons een (eigenlijk twee...1 voor oma & 1 voor mama) bedeltje gemaakt met daarin Lina haar naam gegraveerd. Deze uiltjes komen weer terug op haar kamertje en het geboortekaartje... foto’s van het kamertje en het geboortekaartje komen in de volgende blogpost!

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- Dag 8, Vanochtend heerlijk wakker geworden bij papa & mama in het grote bed... Ze had na de laatste nachtfles moeite met in slaap komen... En ja als er wordt verteld dat je de kleintjes de eerste 3 maanden niet genoeg kan verwennen, ja, dan moet je dat soms maar even doen :) vandaag ook de laatste dag van de kraamhulp... Voor het wassen nog even wegen en wederom was Lina wat aangekomen 2690 gram woog ze deze morgen, dus dat gaat helemaal goed komen met ons kleine meisje!
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Vandaag zijn we voor het eerst even naar buiten geweest... we moesten echt even wat nieuws kopen voor de jaarswisseling om toch een beetje leuk voor de dag te komen. Ap had de auto opgewarmd en we hadden Lina lekker wamr ingepakt. Nog geen 2 minuten nadat we waren vertrokken lag ze al te tukken... dit hield ze vol tot we thuis waren en was het tijd voor een flesje. Ik zeg net tegen Appie dat het me op is gevallen dat sinds we weg zijn geweest, ze na de fles direct gaat slapen...zonder speen en zonder mama’s vinger, dus hoop dat ze dit volhoud! :) We zullen zien....

Hier nog een laatste plaatje voordat ik er een eind aan ga breien...gewoon omdat ze lief is!
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Today’s my due date...

>> donderdag 16 december 2010

And I really wonder how much longer before we get to hold our little one. I thought it was going to happen last Monday. I had contractions (or braxton hicks = voorweeen) every 5 to 7 minutes for 1,5 hrs...but then all of the sudden they were gone. Well I still had smaller hicks, but that was it.

We saw the midwife on Tuesday afternoon and she did a full check-up (ouch), but clearly the contractions from Monday didn’t do a thing... I got a little down from the way she was talking... like it could still be weeks before we get to meet our little one... But my sweet cousin Jody (she’s a midwife too and hopefully is able to be present during the delivery) told me anything can happen and it could still be this week... So who knows, but I’ll just have to set my mind to waiting...so no more guesses for me.

Although there is still tomorrow... Dec. 17th... the day I had in mind when we first found out we were pregnant, but if not... I’ll get over it! hihi.

I checked the internet for different ways to get the contractions going... Well the only thing I’m going to try right now is pineapple! I already ate half of it... INCLuding the heart of the pineapple!!! Geeeesh, I hope it does help, cause it was nasty!!! I think you would’ve laughed when you saw my face when eating the darn thing... Never, ever, again!!! LOL. We’ll see if it helped...

Going to lay down for a little way before my sweetie gets home. I’m exhausted and haven’t even decided what we’re going to have for dinner tonight. Went to the shopping mall before lunch, cause I felt good and well, I really needed to buy some christmas gifts for my sweet family. At least some of them... Cause I have no clue wether I’m going to be able to get gifts this weekend or next week, it all depends on... Our little one!   -hugs-


Only 4 more days...

>> zondag 12 december 2010

Till my due date and we’re so ready for our little one to be here. Sometimes I ask myself (and have a little chat with our baby) why it’s taking so long. LOL... I mean the crib is ready, the babyroom is done, the house is clean and I also finished the birth announcement. So why wait? :)

I guess it’s just not ready to come out yet, but honestly we ARE! Today is a perfect day sweetie... it’s not too cold and slippery outside, cause all the snow is gone. They predicted new snow, so you’d better come on out now... Ok who am I kidding here?? Like this baby is going to listen to me...haha. My dad predicted that it would be here today, but so far...no movement yet. I wonder wether I’m going to be right after all, cause ever since we found out we were pregnant I said Dec. 17th...which Friday. It could happen...

Two days ago, I started a little journal for our little one. When it’s going to daycare with me (and I soooo don’t wanna think about going back to work yet) we need to bring a little journal. The girls will write a little about the day they had and the feeding/sleeping schedule and such. All the parents have to bring one...some of them write about what they did in the weekends and about fun happenings. Some also add photos and things, but others... simply don’t write a thing. Personally I love it and it’s so fun to see what the kids did with their parents and of course it’s a nice way to start a conversation with them. I wanted to start waaaay earlier with writing, but kept forgetting all about it. So I wrote for two days now, added some photos of the babyroom & crib and decorated the cover too... I’m loving it so far!! Want to write as much as possible...

I also made something about my pregnancy... I think a few weeks after we found out, I started scrapping a pregnancy book. It contains pages like; ‘the day we found out’, ultrasound pictures, belly shots and much more. I’ve got 26 pages so far, but still need to catch up a little. I think I still need to make 4 or 6 till I’m up-to-date. And then I want to make pages about the birth story, the birth announcement and probably the first couple of days... Here’s a little sneak-peek...
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As soon as everything is done, I’m going to print them in a nice book!

Now, I told you we took some photos with the two of us... Had set-up the background, tripod and set the camera on 10 seconds delayed action shutter, so we had time to get in position. I have to admit, we had two sessions... I wasn’t really statisfied with the first one, so I decided to took some more last Tuesday. Here are a few of my favs....


Well going to have some breakfast now... Have a fabulous Sunday! –x-


I have the best mom in the world!!

>> maandag 29 november 2010

Not only does she love me... she re-decorated the baby crib, she’s always there when I need her (like last week she took the afternoon off, cause I had a rough week and just needed her to acompany me), she made the curtains for the babyroom (with aunt Thea of course), and yesterday she threw me an AW-SOME babyshower!! I loved it!!!

Last week... I think it was Sunday when Appie told me I couldn’t plan anything for the 28th. Well if you know me, I’m not that good with surprises and want to know everything. But I waited, till like Monday and I started guessing, asking questions like...’so, where are we going on sunday?’ & ‘what time do I need to be ready?’  Yeah I know...I can’t help myself. I even tried asking others when someone came over, but NO ONE and I mean no one told me a single thing and all said: ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’. Friday I asked Appie again and told me we were leaving the house around 1PM....

So yesterday I was all ready to go... and I secretly had hopes for a babyshower, but that all changed when he told me things were delayed. So instead we were going to my parents’ house to help my dad with the old bed first (they’re getting a new one today). I wasn’t sure what I was thinking, but gave up and decided to just wait and see... Until we drove into the street my parents’ live in... I saw cars... from friends, from family members, from colleagues... What???? Well my mom threw me a babyshower... my aunts, my grandma, SIL, cousins, friends & even my colleagues were all there. Like 25 people were there and I was truly a little in shock. My mom of course got a little emotional when she saw my reaction and well that makes two of us. I was truly surprised and I’m honestly not that good when it comes to surprises! LOL

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There was a table filled with yummy stuff; brownies, small quiches, sandwiches, cakes, chocolate, flap jacks, scones and of course champagne & kiddy bubbles for me. We made a toast to our little ‘Dotje’ (that’s how we call the baby in the family) and it was great day! Especially when I got to unwrap the presents...hihi. We (or actually our little one) got pretty spoiled!

Cute clothes, stuffed animals, toys, blankets, showergel for mommy, a baby bouncer, a scoop for daddy (to get working on our backyard...LOL) and a beautiful diaper bag from my parents’. The diaper bag has a fun story to it. Like two weeks ago I went to the baby shop to get some last things we needed and I saw the bag. I called my mom, since she told me I was getting the diaper bag from them... I told her I found one I liked, but decided to leave since we didn’t really needed it right away. And thought we would get one together... When she was here last Thursday to put up the curtains in the babyroom (yeah they’re done!!!) She asked me where that store was and you won’t believe...but she picked (out of the 20 bags they had) out the same diaper bag I wanted!! I’m loving it!!!

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I was truly exhausted when we got home last night, but it was an great babyshower!!! So I want to thank everyone for coming, for the yummy treats some people made and for all the lovely presents... I loved it! Mom, again... thanks so much for throwing me the best babyshower ever, it was awsome!!!! Love you –x-


Now... Only 17 days before our little one gets here. Could be earlier (which I’m hoping for) or later. But honestly we’re ready for the baby’s arrival...
- The babyroom is done & cleaned... (Just wanted to share two pics from last Sunday, when we were put up the trees in the babyroom)

- Appie & I took some photos of us, with the belly of course (will show some when they’re processed)
- Our bedroom is clean and the crib is already there, waiting to be filled with our sweet little pea.
- I’m finally done with the birth announcement and patiently awaiting for a copy to arrive in the mail today.

- My little escape suitcage is packed and ready for when the time is here
- We put up the playpen in the living room. 

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- Everything else I wanted to be done before the baby gets here = done.


The big question will be... How long will it keep us waiting before we get to hold ‘Dotje’ in our arms. I’m so curious to meet our little one... Who will it look like?!

Now before I’m going to leave you all, there’s someone I would like you to meet... This is ‘Ollie’...last week when we bought a new cabinet for the extra bedroom we found him at Ikea. He just looked at us with those sweet big eyes. We patted him on his forehead and felt sooo soft. Before I knew it, Appie grabbed him under his arm and walked to the register... Isn’t he cute?!?!

See you soon  -hugs-


Rock the cradle...

>> zondag 21 november 2010

Things are going great over here...well great, honestly I’m starting to get bored the last few days. I know there’s still lots to do around here, but it’s too much for me... I wanna do everything, but I just can’t...my body and mind just won’t let me. I’m not 100% ready for our baby to arrive, but I would be relieved when it does. But there’s nothing to do then just wait, right?

I told you last time that my mom and dad were re-doing the babycrib/cradle. It’s the old one from our neighbours and I loved it... So when I knew I was pregnant I asked them if I could use it for our little one and they said yes. It looked ok, but I could really use a little make-over. I didn’t plan to paint it and just wanted to leave it as it was, but with a new fabric canopy (hemeltje). But honestly it could use some paint too. It used to be yellowish, but I just thought it’s all a little last minute and wasn’t sure if it would be done before the baby got here.


My parents took it home like two weeks ago... My dad painted it and I’m really glad he did, cause it looks soooo much better and fresher now. You rock dad and it looks amazing! My mom and I went to the fabric market for some cute fabric for the canopy and I truly love how it turned out. She also made two bedsheets and it looks amazing!

Before I’m going to show you the pictures, there’s something I wanna share...

When my mom was pregnant with me, she also made the canopy for my cradle. I didn’t really realise that, when I asked her if she could make one for my baby.... So when I called her last week and she told me it wad done, she got a little emotional. I mean she made one for me as a baby and now she made one for my baby... her grandchild! And if you know me a little... I got a little emotional too. Not because of the preggo hormones, but the fact I asked her to do this and the fact I just didn’t realised it was truly special she wanted to do this for me. I mean the cradle stood in their living room for over a week and I can only imagine how it must feel like to see it everytime you walk in the room. That’s were her first & future grandchild will be sleeping in... And the fact she made it, truly means the world to me...

Mom, I’m so thankful you wanted to do this and I hope you know that it feels really special that you layed your magic hands on our baby’s cradle... and I hope when the baby gets here, you’ll also be one of the few who will be rocking the cradle when the baby needs some comforting... I love you!

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When my dad dropped off the cradle last Tuesday... you can imagine the first thing I did was...yes, making the bed!! When it was done the first thing that ran through my mind is, this is where our little one will be peacefully sleeping in, the first months of it’s precious live.

Right now my mom & my aunt Thea are also sewing the curtains for the babyroom and I’m sure they’re going to be beautiful... I can’t hardly wait to see what it looks like when we’ve put them up...

My mom is awsome when it comes to sewing and I so wished I payed more attention when I looked over her shoulder when I was little. She made us anything back in the days... sweaters, skirts, pants, even jackets. I so wish I am able to sew... I mean I can sew a straight line, but that’s about it! And I think she taught me like a 100 times how to put in new threads, but I still don’t know. Maybe one day I will learn how to sew, so I can make our kids some pretty things too and when I do learn, I hope my mom will be the one who taught me!

Today... is a beautiful Sunday, the sun is out and although it looks windy... I think it would be a beautiful day to go for a walk outside and honestly I think we should. Maybe walk around our neighbourhood, cause we really don’t know anything around here. Well I do know where the bakery & grocery store are, but that’s about it...

Later today, my aunt Wilma & uncle peter will come over... Wilma and I (mostly Wilma) have been working on the wall decorations for the babyroom and I so can’t wait to finish it. But there are a still a few little things that need to be done...but the two white trees are done and we’re going to put those up today. Yes, there will be trees and some wooden bird-houses, but that’s all I’m going to tell you! hehe. I’m not going to show you untill it’s a 100% done!

Time to wrap this up... I wish you all a beautiful sunday and make the best of it. Will see you soon! –x-


Back in the air...(this time in english)

>> zaterdag 13 november 2010

Just so I won’t have to type up double posts, this will be in English today...so for our dutch folks, I know you can all read this and it’s a great way for learning too! LOL

Sooo, finally we’re back in the air after almost two weeks. These two weeks have been heavy on my heart... I mean I could go a few days without internet, but nearly two weeks, was a bit too much. Especially when I missed National scrapbooking day... and of course all my sweet online friends. But glad we’re back up after hours of phone calls, begging them to come fix it....

We moved on Oct. 30th and cleaned the old house the 31st, cause we had to turn in the key the next day... It felt great walking up all those stairs (6) for the last time. All went fine, untill the guy told me to say goodbye to our old house... That was a little hard! I mean we have lived there for like 6,5 years and it was great. We had lovely neighbours (except a few older ones, LOL), lots of memories were made there and of course we ‘created’ new life there... We already said goodbye together the day before, so I just left and walked down the stairs for the last time... *sigh*

Now, today marks the day we’ve been living here for two weeks and although I’m really starting to settle in and feel at home, I still struggle some days. Mainly for the fact my maternity leave started only 3 days after we moved in. There’e still lots to do around here and I do small things everyday... Cleaning, re-arranging cabinets, empty-ing boxes...oh and just sit & relax, read a little pregnancy magazines and things like that. But being home alone all day long, is just not me. But I manage...had some friends over a few times and just went out a lot whenever I felt like it. But it truly does start to feel like ‘our’ new home, where of course lots of new memories will be made and where our first child will grow up. Just saying that, makes it even more special!

Before I’m going to show off photos... and I know you’ve all been waiting on that, I want to let you know how our little one is doing...just a little longer peeps! LOL

Our little one is doing great and the midwifes are always positive. It’s been laying heads-down for over 4 weeks and I can truly notice the difference when it moves. I mean sometimes a little butt pops up and half of belly is hard and the other side sorta seems empty...pretty weird. We’ve got another appointment this Tuesday and we’re also getting one more growth ultrasound.

Only 33 days left of my pregnancy....IF our little one decides to stay in that long! I don’t know if everyone know my ‘guessing skills’ when it comes to births and such... Let me enlighten you. When friends or family members are pregnant, a few weeks before their due date or before their deliver their baby I know which date it's going to be and I'm 90% right. I have no clue wether it's working for me too... The first dat that came to me was dec. 17th (a day after my due date). Two weeks ago it turned into Nov 28th... Now last night, when I couldn’t sleep and lots went through my mind (mainly things which need to be done before the baby gets here) it was Nov. 14th!!!!! R U serious... I mean that is Sunday!!!!!! THIS SUNDAY!!! I somehow really hope I'm wrong... I mean we’re really not ready yet! I do have to say, that the feeling slowly faded away yesterday, but there’s still some doubts left. We’ll see when it decides to pop-up :)

Picture time!!!!

Let’s start on the ground floor... The living room & kitchen. The kitchen is done, except for the window frame, which still needs to be painted. But placing the kitchen was our main priority...all the other paiting in this floor is done. We’ve got wooden (plywood) floors, but they still need baseboards on the sides. We still need some furniture too; like a buffet cabinet, a dinner table & chairs... Also we haven’t put up lamps, curtain on the backside of the house or any decorations yet either... but that will be our last concern. Here we go...


The kitchen... including a dishwasher, fridge & freezer, microwave and the thing I’m most proud of... our 90cm stove!! Woot, woot!
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Then the view from the kitchen to the living room... this buffet cabinet is from the old house and using this till we found a new one. Oh and our fishies are getting used to the new house also :)
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Our lovely & comfy couch...
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Oh and do you see the eased frame with the light in it?? Well there’s a fun story behind it. There wasn’t a hole in there at first. But then the week before we moved and we went to work here... There was an ‘accident’..although that’s what they told me. My dad & uncle were already working in the house, when my dad all of the sudden said that they had a little fight that morning and hammers flew through the room. I asked: ‘was is that bad’... ‘well’, my dad continued, there a hammer sticking in the wall! ‘Yeah right’, who do you think you are folling here, Uhm NOT ME! LOL... They didn’t wanted to tell me what it was about and I didn’t even looked at it, simply because I didn’t believe them... I mean they fooled me before, right? Well after about 15 minutes I did got curious and my jaw dropped a little when I saw indeed...a hammer hanging in the wall!!!! Geesh guys...well they kind of expected me to get mad (you know hormones) but I didn’t... I mean shit happens, right? And it wasn’t my problem, they did it, so they should fix it! LOL. My dad grabbed a small saw and started making the hole ever BIGGER...come on dad... Well after 5 minutes he called me to come check it out. In the whole he made (oh wait, I’ve got pictures....LOL) was a little plastic plant....

mean look at HIS face! When I looked a little closer I saw there was a wooden box in there... Turns out... My dad & Peter had this idea to make a pretty eased frames there for us, to put in either a light or a plant and had asked Appie (weeeeks ago) if we would like it. So when they made the wall, they had already put this wooden box in there, but the plaster wall covered it. So E-VE-RY-BO-DY knew....except me!!! So not fair... BUT I love it!!! Thanks guys!!

So onto our stairs closet (which really is the best!!!) & my new temporary computer space...The computer will eventually go to the front room on the first floor, which is now our box & storage room....LOL
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The first floor.... nothing much to see there, yet! I mean one room is full of boxes and tools, the babyroom isn’t completely done yet... it still needs curtains, wall decorations and a couple of small things. On top of that... I don’t want to show you untill our little one gets here, cause some people don’t know the sexe of the baby yet. So you’ll have to wait! *insert sneaky laugh* hehe! I did washed all baby clothes & blankets and put it all in the closets.... I can however show you our bathroom...we didn’t really do much there, except for putting up a new showerhead, a sink & cabinets... There’s also another, tall cabinet for towels and such, next to the washing bin...

The last floor... the attic, where we have our bedroom. The hall is where we have the washing machine & dryer...but honestly not worth taking a picture of that, just isn’t all that special...LOL. I am pretty proud of our bedroom and I looove the purple/greyish wall & the washbasin (which is the old one from my parents and gave it a new look with purple/grey metallic paint). On the left from the washbasin is another cabinet with drawers...but it was a little messy when I took pics...LOL. We still need some pretty decorations and as you can see, we still need to put up the second curtain...but keep forgetting it needs to be cut. That will be a great task for today :)
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Now before I’m going to wrap this up... I’ve got one more picture to share. It’s big momma and her belly shot from the mirror. Took this in our bedroom too and thought it would be fun to share. We are going to take some real belly & mom/dad shots this weekend...but for now, you’ll have to do with this one :)

Our weekend plans will be: putting up shelves in the babyroom and cleaning it. Finishing some small things on our huge to-do-list, clean Appie’s car and we’ve also got lots of birthdays this weekend.

Oh yeah... I sooo can’t wait to see the baby crib. We’ve got two beds... a bigger bedstead in the babyroom and a cute small crib for in our bedroom....last week my mom and I went to the fabric market and bought fabric to furnish the crib and yesterday...she finished it. My dad also painted the crib... it was slightly yellow and now it’s off white. I soooooooo can’t wait to see it and when I do, I will take pics and show you :)

Have a great weekend and will see you soon.... –hugs-


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